
Immunity Booster Vitamins

8 Immunity Booster Vitamins For A Healthier Life

Most of the time, when we talk about methods to get a healthy body and mind, we focus on changing our lifestyles and adding exercise to our daily lives. By adding these methods in our daily lives, this can really improve our health. But we always forget about the most important part, which is nutrition. There are two types of nutrition in our meals, one is macronutrients, and the other is micronutrients. The body’s requirement for macronutrients can be fulfiled with meals, but when it comes to micronutrients, that means vitamins and minerals, meals can’t fulfil the requirement of them. Vitamins play a very crucial role in making our health good.

In this blog, we will study about vitamins, their importance in our daily lives, types of vitamins, and the most crucial part: how they play a crucial role in boosting our immunity.

What are vitamins? 

Vitamins consist of many organic substances. They are commonly found in plants and animals. Vitamins help the human body to grow, allow the body to function well, and maintain the body. The requirement of vitamins in our body is very low and in small amounts, and they also play a very crucial role in the functioning of the body, such as the production of energy, regeneration of cells, and immunity function. 

Most of the vitamins are not generated by the human body, so those vitamins have to be taken in diet or from vitamin supplements. Vitamins are divided into two categories:

• Water soluble vitamins: This category of vitamins dissolves in water and is not stored directly in the body. Therefore, they need to be consumed regularly and frequently. Vitamin C and B complexes (B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, folate, etc.) come in the category of water soluble vitamins. If they are consumed more than required, they will be excreted from urine. 

• Fat soluble vitamins: This category of vitamins is stored in fatty tissues and in the liver. They are stored, therefore we don’t need to consume this category of vitamins more frequently. This category of vitamins includes vitamins A, D, E, and K. 

8 Immunity Booster Vitamins

Vitamins play a very important role in boosting the immunity of the human body. Vitamins help in making the body healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These are some vitamins that boost immunity.

1. Vitamin C: It is a strong antioxidant vitamin that helps the body to make and repair the cells and make them able to fight from the diseases, fights against the infections. Vitamin C is one of the most well known immunity boosting vitamins. We can intake vitamin C from citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and strawberries.

2. Vitamin D: This vitamin is also called a Sunshine vitamin. The control of the immune system depends heavily on vitamin D. This vitamin reduces the risk of infection by activating the immune cells. One can get vitamin D from eggs, salmon, etc.

3. Vitamin A: The health of your stomach, respiratory system, and skin are all kept healthy by vitamin A. These all functions are necessary for protecting the body from germs and fighting diseases. Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, etc. , are a good amount of vitamin A with them.

4. Vitamin E:  This Vitamin keeps skin, hair, and nails healthy. Germs are prevented by the healthy skin from entering inside the body. Vitamin E makes eyes healthy, and its antioxidant properties relieve the stress of the human. Vitamin E can be sourced from nuts, seeds, spinach, and avocados. 

5. Vitamin B6: B6 plays an important role in the creation of antibodies and supports immune system function. Potatoes and chickpeas are good sources of vitamin B6.  

6. Vitamin B12: This vitamin increases the production of red blood cells and supports the immune function of a person. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to weak immune systems. Vitamin B12 makes our veins strong and carries blood in them. Proper blood circulation makes the body live longer. 

7. Folate: This is also known as Vitamin B9, and it improves the function of immune cells. Foods like green leaves are rich in folate. 

8. Zinc : Zinc is not really a vitamin, but it is also more necessary for the immune system. It is a part of mineral. It helps in the growth of the cells of the immune system.

There is always a deficiency of vitamins in the human body because of not taking a proper diet. That’s why everyone has to supplement these vitamins from external sources for healthy health and a strong immune system. Find a reliable Nutraceutical Contract Manufacturing for a good quality supplements.


A weak immune system will never let you enjoy the moments of life. Vitamins are essential for the immune system to make you able to fight against infections, diseases, and other harmful germs for the body. Boost your immune system and make your body healthy by choosing us. We Aesthetic Softcaps, a leading Nutraceutical Contract Manufacturing company, can serve you with a good quality vitamin supplement that will help you to maintain a strong immune system.

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